Quick Start Quide
Before using Nteraction, it’s important to understand the concepts you’ll see used in Nteraction. Nteraction utilizes the concepts of Cards, Templates and Playlists.
Cards are containers that hold a specific type of multimedia content or perform a specific special function in Nteraction. Content Card types include: Image, Video, Rich Text, Document, Headline, Canva. Special function cards include: vCard, Share, Opt-In, Playlist, Location. A Content Card can hold the specific type of content that it was designed for, however, some cards, like Image and Rich Text Cards, can hold more than 1 piece of content, or in the case of Rich Text Cards, more than 1 type of content.
Templates are reusable collections of Cards that can be pre-filled with content or left empty for completion when the actual Playlist is developed prior to Sharing. Template Cards that are empty are filled by users by searching for prebuilt cards they want to include to personalize a Playlist for sharing. Pre-filled Cards in a Template cannot be changed when building the Playlist using the Template.
Playlists are collections of Cards that can be Shared. Playlists can be built using a Template or a “blank” Template.
Logging Into Nteraction
Enter the URL of your Nteraction Instance, typically tenant.nteraction.com. We support two login methods -SSO with Microsoft Active Directory and local account.
MS AD Login
This is only for customers with Microsoft AD SSO enabled on Nteraction.
Click the “Azure AD” button and follow the process your company has defined for login.
Local Account Login
- Enter your Username (your email address)
- Enter your Password
- Click the “Login into Nteraction” button

Using Nteraction

Once you have logged into Nteraction, you will be taken to one of two initial screens.
The Dashboard screen shows you a summary of all Nteraction published Playlist activity for that user as well as a list of published Playlists available to the user to share.
The second screen you could be taken to is the Playlists Screen. Here you will see a listing of all Playlists that are available to you as a user.
It will include Playlists that are in Draft, Pending, or Published states.
From this screen you can also create a new playlist. The Playlist screen looks like this: