Creating Templates
What are Templates?
Nteraction Templates exist to allow users with lower-access level to quickly create Playlists with some level of personalisation.
For example, A commercial realtor who is selling space in a large complex and they need to pull in details related to specific floors, buildings or facilities, but the directions, infrastructure and pricing and may be consistent across all properties. In this case, they can build a template that covers the complex and then when they need to customize information for a given property or space, they just have to add in the given floor plan or facilities card.
Core Concepts
A Template is very similar to a Playlist, except you can leave certain cards unpopulated, to be will be filled in by Template Users later, when building a Playlist.
Template Users
This is a specific role in Nteraction. Users with this role can only create a Playlist from a Template, not create a free-form Playlist directly.
Empty Cards
When a card is left “empty” in a Template, it allows a Template User to add any previously approved card in that place when they “Create Playlist from Template.
Previously Approved Cards
Any card that exists in a published playlist is classed as approved. This makes that card available to any Template User as long as that playlist is accessible to the Template User via a direct or group collaboration share.
Top Tip
Create “Library” Playlists containing cards that you would like a given group of Template Users to be able to use.
For example, create a Playlist called “Approved Product Photos” and populate it with product image cards. Publish this playlist and all of those cards are now available to a Template User to put in place of an empty Image card.
If you add or change images, just unpublished this Playlist, add a new image card or remove one. When you republish, Template Users will be able to see the new images and the old ones will not present as an option.
Templated Playlists
This is a playlist created from a Template. It is important to note that any changes to a template are NOT reflected in previously create Templated Playlists. A Templated Playlist is created “point in time” from the Template and not updated when the Template changes.
Similarly, a Template can be deleted, but any Playlsits created from that Template will still remain in the system.
Approval Process
As with regular Playlists, Templates require approval from a User with Manager rights or above. When a User Creates a Playlist from a Template, however, no approval is necessary.
Approval is not strictly necessary as the Template content has already been approved prior to publication, and the user can only add in previously-approved cards. The removal of the approval processes is to enable a User to rapidly create and send a Playlist without an additional step.
Managing Templates

The Templates Tab is where manage Templates in Nteraction. This shows all templates to which you have access and allows you to sort and filter them attributes including type, date and status.
Creating a Template
Building a Template is very similar to building a Playlist, except you can add unpopulated cards to the Playlist which will be filled in by users when building the finished Playlist.
In the first example, you see a template with an empty Headline card. In this case, any user creating a Playlist from this template can add in a previously approved Headline Card.

When a Template user creates a Playlist from this Template, any previously approved Headlines will be available for them to insert in this place.

Top Tip
If you don’t know how many cards a Template User may need to insert, add in more than you think they will need. Any card that is not populated when the Playlist is published disappears.
Example: You have 15 staff offering services and each one has their own Image Card. You add 15 empty Image Cards in your template. When this Template is used to create a Playlist, the user need only populate the few that they know their customer may have interest in. The empty cards will not appear on the published Playlist.
Any card that is added and populated with content is not editable, movable or removable when a user creates a Playlist from this Template. For example, if you add an image of a unicorn in the Template, this image will appear in all Playlists authored from this template.
Publishing a Template
When you publish a Nteraction Template, you make it “Live”. This means it is now available for use by anyone with role Template User and above.