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Canva and Nteraction

Nteraction supports publishing Canva designs directly into a Playlist or Template through a couple of different methods. This article covers embedding Canva content into Nteraction from within Nteraction. In the coming weeks, we will also offer publishing content directly from Canva directly into an existing Playlist or Template.

Smart Embed

The benefit of the Smart Embed approach is that it supports adding all of your Canva designs into an Nteraction Playlist, whereas the Canva publishing solution only allows for images, slideshows and documents. 

This video below shows you how to copy the Smart Embed Link from Canva and copy it into the Nteraction Canva Card.  It then shows how you can then tailor the Canva Card with a Title and a Link to another Playlist or Webpage.

Publish to Nteraction from Canva (coming soon!)

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